Facts about Earth

Oh Hi there from an area of Rahim yar khan. Well, where is Rahim yar khan? It is in Punjab. Where is Punjab? it is in Pakistan. Where is Pakistan? It is in the Asian subcontinent. Where is in Asia? It is on planet earth. Where is the earth? It is in the solar system, well where is the solar system? It is in a galaxy called milky way present somewhere along the trillions of galaxies.

Let’s just consider our planet Earth and here I will tell you about some interesting facts about the earth.

Well, our Earth? It’s just a piece of rock that has provided us shelter and a place to live so that we can survive in this universe. It is orbiting at the speed of nearly 67,000 meters per hour.

The circumference of our globe is 24,901 miles that count up to 40,075 km.

The place where you aren’t moving!

While standing on the earth, you may feel that you are standing still. Yes, you are standing still relative to the surface of the earth, but if we see the Earth, it is rotating around the sun, as well as it is also spinning around its own axis. The people living in onthe centre of the earth that is near to the equator are more likely to move faster than those living near the edges.

If we consider a person standing on the north pole or the south pole, he would perfectly be still. It is just like a ball moving on the top of the finger.

You are in the wrong place if you feel overweight!

Here is something that you should know, if you are standing on the equator, your weight will be less as compared to the poles. Why?

Because earth is not completely round, it is bulged out from the centre, and it is compressed in from the top and bottom pole. So the gravity at opole is less as compared to the gravity at equater, thus making you less weighted on the equator.

What is the life of earth?

According to the studies carried out by scientists, the earth is 4.54 Billion years old.  

The Hottest Point on The planet Earth:

the place on the planet earth where the temperature has reached its maximum value is the city of El Aziza. It is present in Libya. It has a marked highest temperature of 57.8 degrees celsius or 136 Degrees of Fahrenheit on the day of September 13, 1992.

The coldest place on earth:

The honor of the coldest place on the earth goes to Antarctica. It has a record lowest temperature of -73 degrees Celsius.

But the lowest temperature ever recorded on the planet earth is From Russia. According to USGS, on July 21, in the year of 1983, the bone-chilling temperature of -89.2 degree was achieved in Russia as reported by Vostok Station.


Antarctica contains about 70 percent of the freshwater of Earth and about 90 % of ice. It is the fifth-largest continent. Antarctica has much less precipitation about 2 inches a year, that’s why it is considered as Desert.

Here are some more facts about Earth that you didn’t know!

The densest planet in the Solar System:

We see very large planets are orbiting around the sun in our solar system but their density compared to our Earth is low. The average density of Earth is about 5.52 grams per cubic meter.

The Slowing Rotation:

Do you know that our earth is decelerating? Well, if you don’t, let me tell you a fact that our eath is continuously decelerating at a speed of 17 milliseconds per hundred years.

But how much longer time could it take for the day to increase its length to 25 hours? At the current speed, it would require 140 million years to have the length of day exceeded to 25 hours

Is the earth really present at the center of the Universe?

Previously it was thought that earth is present at the center of the universe. And it was thought that everything orbited around the earth. Though this concept is not really True. Earth is present in one of the arms of milky way galaxy about 27000 light years away from the galactic center. Even our Galaxy is not present in the middle of the universe, it is just floating along with millions of different galaxies in space.

Having The largest natural satellite

Earth is the planet that has the 5th  largest natural satellite orbiting around it i.e the moon.

Time taken by the sunlight to reach Earth:

The speed of light is 299,792 kilometers per second or 186,287 miles per second. So compared with the distance of the earth from the sun, it is calculated that it would take 8 minutes and 20 seconds or the sum total of 499 seconds for the Sunlight to reach the earth.

Light in the bottom of the sea:

Sunlight that enters the water can travel up to 1000 meters under favorable conditions but rarely any light can be seen below 200 meters.

The two natural co-orbital satellites:

There are 2 asteroids that have an orbital resonance of 1:1 with the earth. That’s why these are called co-orbital satellites. They are 3753 Cruithne and 2002 AA29.

3753 Cruithn is an asteroid that is orbiting the sun with orbital resonance of 1:1 with the earth.

2002 AA29 Is a near-earth asteroid. It was discovered on January 9, 2002, by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research.  It orbits the sun with an orbit similar to that of earth. This orbit has a diameter of 20-100 meters


Asia is the subcontinent that covers only 30 % of the Earth’s land area but contains over 60% of the total population. Asia includes the country China i.e the country with the largest population.

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