The Deepest Point in the ocean – Mariana Trench !

Present in the west of pacific ocean, near Mariana islands is the most mysterious place called Mariana Trench, the deepest part of ocean that has not been explored yet. It is about 1500 km wide and 11 km deep (36000 ft.) Which means if you put mount everst (The world’s highest Mountain) into the Mariana Trench, it would easily be covered under the water.

So how deep is mariana trench? And what type of creatures live there? Monsters? Or other lethal and dangerous creatures ? Let’s Find Out.

Do you know the maximum length inside the water that a scuba diver can reach is 3000 ft. Below which no sun light enters the ocean and pressure is so high that humans can’t survive. Now compare it with 36000 ft. amazing Depth of Mariana Trench !

The First Dive into The Mariana Trench

First of all it was thought that no species ever lived in the depths of Mariana, but this idea faced a devastating end when in 1960, a researcher named Jack Ricard from Switzerland tried to go into the deepest depth of ocean. He reached a mind blowing depth in Mariana Trench and confirmed that life do exist there ! In the depth of this trench, The Pressure of water is 1000 times greater as compared to normal sea pressure. So this Discovery Lead the scientist all over the world to question the existence of the creatures living in the depth of this trench.

Later on, in one of the books, Jack wrote that when they were in the depths of Mariana, they saw a strange Round shaped Thing with lights. According to him, it was a living creature that was staring at them and soon it vanished into the darkness. Nothing was revealed about it even later on.

The Second Mysterious incident of Glomar Challenger

The second mysterious thing that happened was in 1985 when a ship called Glomar Challenger sent a device into the depth of Mariana Trench. This device was being mentored by a computer. When the device reached a very low depth, some strange sounds started echo all of a sudden, and then the device was forced to break away from the ship by something inside the waters. The force was so strong, that the device was nearly gonna break off from the ship when the engineers and researchers started to pull it back. When the device was brought back to the surface, deep marks of teeth were found on it. Of which creature were they? Nothing was found.

Could it be Megladon,? The World’s largest and the deadliest shark that is considered to be extinct but still some researchers believe that it is present in the depth of Sea Waters and yeah, in Mariana Trench also.

Japanese ship incident

Another incident took place when a Japanese ship passing above the mariana trench was struck from beneath so hard that it was raised above the water. The people on board reported this incident later on but nothing was found.

James Cameron- The person who reached into the depth of Mariana Trench Alone.

March 26, 2012 the famous movie director James Cameron made his way into the depth of Mariana Trench. For those who don’t know about James Cameron, he is a director of famous movies such as Avatar and Titanic and he also is a deep sea diver. He is the first man to reach the mariana Trench depth alone. In his submarine Machine, he remained 12 hours under the water with a constant danger that his Submarine would squeeze at any time. At the final depth, A plastic bag found laid on the ground which shows how plastic is detrioraring our environment.

Mariana Trench has a deepest point called the Challenger’s deep at the depth of 11,035 meters and is the deepest point in the ocean.

What kind of creatures live at the depth of Mariana Trench no one has ever known.

It could be monsters, octopus, may be some under water species of dinosaurs or some other thought-to-be-extinct creatures. What do you think ?

5 Replies to “The Deepest Point in the ocean – Mariana Trench !”

  1. Surprising facts that I got about Mariana Tranch is it’s 1500km wilderness and 11km deepness . But the the dangerous think that plastic is destroying our environment. ☹

  2. Woahhh!!!! I think that was total inspiration behind the movie Megladon. Interesting and scary at the same time. Good job 🦋

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