Top 10 Largest animals in the world

There are bigger, smaller, cute, beautiful and aggressive animals in the world. But in this article, I’ll be introducing Top 10 Largest Animals to ever exist on Earth.

Let’s Begin The Countdown!

10. Paraceratherium:

With a height of 7 meters, this animal is larger than a modern giraffes. It is considered to be the largest mammal ever lived ! They weight about 33000 to 44000 pounds, about three times heavier than heaviest elephant of today.
If you feel scared, let me tell you one thing about them, they were herbivores and secondly, they are extinct by now.

9. Whale Shark

It is considered to be the largest fish in the world. They can reach a length of about 14 meters and has a weight about 41000 pounds. They have a long life of about 150 years.
Although their name indicates that they are sharks, but in fact they are just fish that eat planktons and small fish. They aren’t as lethal as real sharks, they are friendly and they don’t attack humans.

8. Leedsichthys

We’ve just written that whale sharks are largest fish, but if we look into history, there was another fish called Leedsichthys that reached upto a size of 16 to 17 meters and weighed up to 43k pounds. They were, just like whale sharks, plankton and small fish eeater.

7. Kronosaurus

This animal was named after a greek god Cronus who greek believed that he ate his own children. They lived about 145 million years ago and were considered as the most lethal reptiles. They had a tooth length of about 30 cm.

6. Titanaboa

Everyone has heard about Anaconda and python being the largest snakes, but compared to this animal, they are nothing. This snake can reach upto a length of school bus. That snake lived 60 million years ago. It had a length of about 13 meters and was so much wide that no other snake in the world is. It weighed up to 1135 kg.

5. Megladon

The largest shark to ever exist is Megladon. This name has Greek origin and it means Big Tooth. So it gives us an idea of how lethal its jaws were. It was not only the largest shark ever bit also the largest vertebrate predator.
Compared to present largest shark which is white shark with a length of about 20 feet and weight of 7000 pounds. Megladon was 3 times bigger and 15 times heavier than the present day white shark !
It had a length about 16 meters and was able to exert a force of 182,200 newtons in a single bite ! and most of its prey included dolphins, sharks and other big fish. It existed about 23 million years ago.

4. Spinosaurus

Movies like jurrasic park have spread much awareness about the dinosaurs in the world. Spinosaurs were the carnivorous dinosaurs that were 18 meter in height and were 1.8 meters long. They had spines of about 2 meter height.
They lived about 99 million years ago.

3. Argentinosaurus

Considered as the king of sauropods, these were not dinosaurs. They were not only large but also a lomgest animal to live on land with a height of 7 meters and weight of about 224 thousand pounds !
Their daily diet needed a hundered thousand calories, which equals eating 300 muffins per day.

2. Shastasaurus

Considered as the largest aquatic reptile, it is significantly larger than every animal that you’ve read in the list. It had a length of about 20 meters and weight of 80000 pounds (nearly equal to sperm whale). Although it looked scarier but it had a small jaw , so most probably it took food by sucking in.

1. The Blue Whale

In the list of largest animals in the world, no one can neglect Blue whale ! Since it is the largest animal to ever have exist on this planet earth. It has a length of about 30 meters (about the size of leaning tower of Pisa) and a weight pf about 150,000 kg.
If you think elephants are heavy, Blue whale’s tounge is as heavy as an elephant. But there’s no need to be afraid of, blue whale only eats planktons and small shrimps. They’ve a swimming speed of 30 km/h.

One last point about it, whales aren’t Fish, they are mammals, just like other mammals including dog, bears etc. They are considered as mammals.

So, which animal do you think is the scariest of all ?
if you think I’ve missed any largest animal, Do let me know

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