Lost Zanetti:

Have you ever listen about ghost trains???

In 1911, a rail company Zanetti offered well-off Italians a free trial ride on their new train in Rome. There were 106 passengers who were going to take that ride. At last, the journey begun. People were enjoying and gossiping loudly.
During this ride, the train had to pass through a half mile long tunnel in Lombardy mountain which was one of the longest ever build tunnel of that time.
But to everyone’s surprise, they never come out of the tunnel and their ride never reach the destination.

Initially, the observers outside the tunnel thought that there might hit an accident with train inside the tunnel. So, the Rome’s police and station’s faculty went to the tunnel and checked out each and every square inch of tunnel but surprisingly, they found no traces of train or its passengers.
Dozens of people were claiming about the enterace of the train into the tunnel but no one there was claiming about its came out.
Investigators couldn’t come to any conclusion. They thought that Is this incident had any relation with TIME TRAVELING???

Afterwards, when investigation started on international level, then 2 men came to Zanetti station’s faculty and claimed that they two were also the passenger of Zanetti train out of 106 passengers but they jumped off the train when they saw milky white fog from the tunnel while considering it the cause of train’s accident and when train reached the enterace of tunnel, it was swallowed like a wave by that milky white fog.
No one could come up with the sound explaination of train’s strange disappearance.

You may already have goosbumps but story didn’t end there.

By 1845, 104 passengers of that mysterious train were seen in Mexico with abnormal brain. No one of them was in his senses so, they all were get locked in a mental hospital. A cigarette box was found too with one of those abnormal 104 passengers on which 1907 ( the year before Zanetti train lost) was written. This cigarette box is still present in Maxico’s museum.

Moreover, the Zanetti train was seen many times only for a very small moment at many places in the world like it was seen in Zovalichi, a small village in Ukrain on October 29, 1955 and so on.

Is it a ghost train? Or is this train a time machine? No one has solved this mystery yet.

3 Replies to “Lost Zanetti:”

  1. No no, I don’t believe on time machine or anything like this. But, you should search more on this topic, it’s looking interesting. Waiting for next (whole investigations and research).

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