Experiments in the Revival of Organisms

Do You know that Russian Scientists performed an experiment in which they brought back a dog’s isolated head to life?

The Isolated Head

In 1940s, Russian scientist Dr. Sergei Brukhonenko performed experiments on the revival of organisms. They isolated a dog’s head and brought it back to life using an artificial blood pumping machine. This machine worked as a pump for circulating the blood through the isolated head of the dog even when it was not connected to heart, lungs or any other body part.
First of all, they isolated a dog's heart and kept it functioning even out of the dogs body.

The Heart was kept alive for some time

Next, they isolated the lungs and kept them functioning using artificial machines.

The next thing was to keep the head of the dog alive

In the experiment, the arterial pump took the arterial blood from the reservoir to the head whereas the venous pump drained off the venous blood. The steady flow of oxygen was completely maintained in order for the metabolism to continue in the dog's head. The isolated head attached with this apparatus showed the signs of life by reacting to certain stimuli.

The dogs eyes reacted to light by closing tightly and Its head reacted to sound by showing movements.

When drops of Citric acid were thrown onto the mouth of the dog, it reacted by licking these drops.

So after the successful experiment on the revival of dogs head, the Russians became confident about their work and moved one step further i.e. to “The Revival of Whole Organism”

The Revival of Whole Organism

In this “The Revival of Whole Organism”, a dog was given a clinical Death and was then brought back to life using the artificial apparatus.

That dog was able to live a normal life and produce its family later on.

They used a machine calledautojekterwhich carried out the functions of heart and lungs. They sedated the dog and introduced an anti blood clotting chemical.

They used the apparatus called kymograph to note the breathing and heart rate. In the next step, they drained out all the blood from the carotid artery until the heart stopped beating and the dog finally died.

They kept it dead for 10 minutes after which autojekter was attached. As the autojekter started pumping the blood, the dogs heart started beating again gradually and sooner when it stabilized, autojekter was removed.

The dog continued to live on its life and even produced its own family later on.

At present, such type of experiments are avoided all over the world as they involve the use of living animals.
These stunning Russian experiments unveils a lot of thoughts in our mind. So what do You Think? Is it possible to keep an isolated human`s head alive

4 Replies to “Experiments in the Revival of Organisms”

  1. I don’t think that one living could alive in its isolated state. The laboratory experiment In which scientists extracted the dog’s blood and then experimented on it ten minutes later. The dog may not have died😁. Anything could be….😛 but I think life is not possible in isolated state.
    Yes, it can be a miracle that a living being can survive in this state.
    BTW it’s very informative, keep doing it.

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