Interesting facts about sun:

“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it”George R,R Martin.

What actually the SUN is? Is it a planet? Is it a burning ball? Is it a Galaxy? Is it essential for life on earth? Is it revolving? Why is it hottest? What’s its temperature? Is it a miracle? Is it the cause of natural lights of Norway?

So, here are some very interesting facts about sun.

Position of sun:

The sun is actually a largest star, also known as “yellow dwarf”, present at the center of solar system. It’s in perfect spherical shape, filled with very hot gases. Its magnetic gravity holds the solar system together.

Composition of sun:

The sun is composed of 70% Hydrogen gas and 28% Helium gas.

Source of Energy:

Sun is the constant source of Energy for the lives on Earth. This emense amount of energy is produced when nuclei of four Hydrogen atoms combine with the nucleus of one Helium atom. But when sun has burned all of its Hydrogen, it will continue to burn its Helium gas for 130 million more years. During this time, it may engulf Mercury, Venus and ultimately earth and sun will become a giant red object. After reaching this phase, sun will collapse whom we Muslims call as pigtail or Qayamat.

Distance between sun and earth:

Light from the sun takes eight minutes to reach earth. So, earth and sun are 150 million km apart from each other. As Earth rotates in elliptical orbit around the sun, that’s why distance between earth to sun is not always the same.

Temperature inside the sun:

Inside the sun, temperature is 15 million degree centigrade. It is due to the conversion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms.

Size of sun:

Sun is so big in size as more than one million Earth’s could fit inside the sun. Sun is 330,000 times more massive than Earth.

Rotation of Sun:

The sun is not stationary. It rotates (West to East) in opposite direction to Earth (East to West).

Solar winds:

Sun produces solar winds. The natural lights or Aurora borealis and Aurora Australis are the results of interaction between these solar winds and Earth’s atmosphere.

Other names of sun:

Sun doesn’t have any scientific name but it has another common name “Sol”. That’s why the word “Solar system” has “Sol” in it which means “system of sun“.

2 Replies to “Interesting facts about sun:”

  1. It’s very interesting and much informative.
    I was very surprised when I found out about the temperature of the sun and its size.

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